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MYSPORTTALENT was founded to support young athletes make choices, guide them in what is "normal," and especially help them along the beautiful sports journey they are on. Many dream of the Olympics or a career as a professional athlete. However, for few, the end goal is ultimately achievable: therefore, it is essential that you enjoy your time in sports now! Learn during your journey and build experiences, knowledge and friendships for life.

The 3 basic talents in sports are Physical - Mental and Environment.

First of all, you are a sports talent because you have a physical gift ; we call this your golden talent; you are faster, stronger, or more skilful than other athletes. Then you find out that you also have to have or develop "the head" for it, mentally is therefore "silver." Being able to learn, being able to deal with disappointments, dealing with pressure and tension... mentally is perhaps the hardest to work on. However, there is much to be gained here for your sports career but certainly also for later in your further life. Bronze is your environmental talent: your parents, your home, your school, etc. Something you may have little influence on or think you have little influence on but where you can certainly make choices. Dare to make choices during your sport career is also a talent.

How do you sport?

What can you encounter on your journey to your own top? What should you pay attention to, what choices can you make? We have tips and coaching tricks for you to get even better but especially to have even more fun...

Interested in a 1:1 or team session? Contact us.

Are you a coach and want to get a profile sketch together with your athlete or team in a fun way? Buy your game here..
